Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A New Era

Well, I guess I'm doing this... blogging. I'm not so sure who, if anyone, will ever read this, but at least I'll have a place to write my thought, feelings, adventures, etc.

One might ask, "Why not just get a journal?" To that I answer, "It's almost 2010! Let's move it into the 21st century!" Jokes! But for real, they're always making me integrate technology into EVERYTHING I do at work, so I might as well do it at home too.
I worry that I might not be interesting enough for this sort of thing... I'm well aware that I spend my days at work, and then come home and retire to my couch for the majority of the evening. How can I possibly make that sound interesting???
Well, I have started cooking for The Hubs every night. That's new and fun. I could talk about how that's going.

I also watch a LOT of tv. Shocking, I know. I could give reviews of shows, or at least talk about anything particularly great I saw. (Or talk about how The Hubs looks EXACTLY like Finn on gLee!)
I'd really like to write a book about the REAL LIVES OF TEACHERS one day. Perhaps, I could actually get started on that and chronicle my work.
This is very stressful already.
I do know that I love my life! Which includes:

my husband

our dogs, Roxy and Lola

my family, yup, all those crazy Mexicans

and my friends.

These are the days of our lives. :)

Adios for now~D

P.S. - I've been trying to fix the formatting on this thing forEVER now... so if anyone out there wants to inform me on how to get blank lines, I would be forever grateful to you! Thanks!

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